To achieve the great Indian dream of making India an educated and healthy nation
free of poverty & its inhuman indignities.

          Social Welfare Trust® seeks out a world of hope, equality, tolerance and social justice, where poverty becomes history and people live in safety, dignity, economic prosperity and social cohesion. We want to be known everywhere for our unshakable, resounding and profound commitment to eradicating and overcoming poverty for the dignity of humanity

  • To establish, maintain, and/or grant aid in cash and/or kind to schools, colleges, educational institutions, hostels, hospitals, old age homes, orphanages, youth clubs, sports clubs, libraries, child and women welfare centres and/or such other similar charitable institutions in India for the benefit and use of the public in general
  • To provide help to urban and rural poor in getting essential services such as health, nutrition, education, income generation and housing
  • To grant relief during natural calamities, such as famine, flood, fire and other occasion of calamities of similar nature and to give donations, subscriptions or contributions to institutions, establishments or persons during such relief work
  • To organise social, cultural and environmental activities through channelising youth energy into constructive and creative directions
  • To associate/affiliate and render assistance and/or grant aid to other public charitable trust or institutions having objectives similar to this trust
  • To establish a network for Societies/Trusts/or other CSOs
  • To provide the help to needy artisans for the marketing of their handicraft articles
  • energy into constructive and creative directions
  • To associate/affiliate and render assistance and/or grant aid to other public charitable trust or institutions having objectives similar to this trust.
  • To establish a network for Societies/Trusts/or other CSOs
  • To provide the help to needy artisans for the marketing of their handicraft articles

How to support us ?​

By Donation

By Volunteering

By Membership